Photo from BCA

The Buxton Civic Association (BCA) will host its first-ever annual meeting on Wednesday, January 8, at 7:00 p.m. at the Old Buxton Volunteer Fire Department next to Burrus Field in Buxton.

The BCA was formed in April 2024 to advocate for the remediation of Buxton Beach, but has branched out to include more proactive and positive initiatives, such as installing Christmas lights in Buxton Village over the holidays, and beginning a new push for beach stabilization.

“We will have an annual review to look back and see what we’ve accomplished, what revenue we’ve taken in verses what expenses we’ve had, and what we hope to accomplish in the coming year,” stated the BCA. “We will have light refreshments as well!”

The meeting is open to the public, however, residents, property owners, and long-term renters are encouraged to join the BCA to strengthen the organization and help it achieve its next wave of goals.

To join the BCA, click here. For more information on the BCA, including recent updates and upcoming events, visit the organization’s Facebook page.

The post Buxton Civic Association will host its first-ever annual meeting on January 8 appeared first on Island Free Press.

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