LAURINBURG, N.C. (WBTW) — A four-month-long manhunt came to an end early Friday when authorities in Virginia arrested a man accused of gunning down a Waffle House employee in Laurinburg, North Carolina.

Florwer Carlin Lizano was captured in Portsmouth, Virginia, according to Laurinburg police. He will be extradited to North Carolina to face a first-degree murder charge in the killing of Burlie Dawson Locklear on Sept. 13 at the Waffle House on Scotland Crossing Drive.

Police did not immediately provide any additional information about the arrest, but thanked members of the public for tips, Scotland Crimestoppers, Virginia Crimestoppers, U.S. Marshals, the Virginia State Police and Portsmouth, Virginia, police.

The shooting happened at about 12:40 a.m. on Sept. 13. Police said Locklear’s killer entered the business and ordered food. While the food was being prepared, he became agitated and verbally abusive toward employees.

Once the food was provided, police said the suspect walked toward the parking lot, turned and fired two shots in the direction of the business, hitting Locklear.

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Credit: Original content published here.

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