From left to right: Terri Burns, Daniel Pullen, Jami Lanier, Barb Stanton, Aida Doss Havel, Susan Flythe, Linda Moul, Alita Carroll, Danny Couch, Joe Schwarzer, Melanie Schwarzer, Natalie Perry Kavanagh, Bill Francis, Gordon Wicker and Darlene Francis.

Great food, camaraderie, and a joyous holiday spirit highlighted the annual meeting of the Friends of the Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum on Wednesday, December 4, in the museum’s Belinda and Virgil Willis Boardroom. Approximately 20 people attended, including board members, employees, volunteers, museum staff, and guests.

A new Executive Committee was installed for 2025. Gordon Wicker was elected Chair; Natalie Perry Kavanagh, Vice-chair; Terri Burns, Secretary; and Stephanie Snead, Treasurer. New board members elected were Carol O’Neal and Suzanne Francis, joining current Board of Directors Daniel Pullen, Natalie Perry Kavanagh, Aida Doss Havel, Art and Alice Keeney, Nicole Coones Oden, Doug Stover, Danny Couch, NOAA Liaison Tane Casserley and National Park Service Liaison Jami Lanier.

Outgoing board members Alita Carroll, Chris Larsen, and Susan Flythe were honored for their decades of vital contributions. Carroll served as Education and Volunteer Coordinator for 22 years and built a cohesive group of volunteers and helped establish The Meekins Chandlery museum store. Larsen joined the board in 1994, aided in the hiring of Joseph Schwarzer in 1995 and assisted crucial lobbying efforts in Raleigh. Flythe served as Treasurer for 15 years and was indispensable in the museum’s transition to the state, volunteer staffing and fiscal management.

Joseph K. Schwarzer was Founding Director of the Graveyard of The Atlantic Museum in 1995 and oversaw the transition to the state in 2007, whereupon he was hired as the Director of the NC Maritime Museum System, with facilities in Hatteras, Beaufort, and Southport, until his retirement in March 2024

In emotional and heartfelt remarks giving credit to the community, NOAA, and the National Park Service for the Museum, Schwarzer recounted milestones, events and amusing stories from his 30-year tenure as Executive Director. He thanked past board members Tim Midgett, Dale Burrus, George Mead, Irene Nolan, Lynne Foster, Belinda Willis, Cathy Parsons, Katie Oden, Ray Smith, Richard Jones, Chris Seawell, Tony McGowan, Kevin Duffus, Mary Ellen Riddle, Helen Mills Wilson, Tom Curtin, Troy Boyd, Scout Dixon, Jim Bunch, Lorraine Burrus, Eleanor Brill, Drew Pullen, and Earl O’Neal.

Presentation of a plaques to the Schwarzers by Board member Aida Doss Havel. Photo by Daniel Pullen.

Schwarzer graciously recognized former Facilities Director Bill Francis for his selfless and determined efforts over nearly 20 years in ensuring the sprawling 20,000 square foot facility’s myriad mechanical components were operational, before retiring in April 2024.

Melanie Schwarzer was celebrated for her countless hours of service and accomplishments over 30 years, retiring this month as Administrative Director of the Friends of the Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum. She was the editor of the Museum’s popular and acclaimed newsletter, The Wreck Report, established Holidays at the Museum, and coordinated the internationally-recognized British War Graves ceremonies annually in May. In remarks as outgoing chair recognizing the Schwarzers, Danny Couch thanked Melanie Schwarzer for dedicated service to the original Board of Directors and subsequent Friends group, calling her “irreplaceable.”

Dare County Board of Commissioners Hatteras Island Representative Mary Ellon Ballance attended the meeting, as did current Director of NC Maritime Museums Maria Vann virtually from Raleigh.

Since reopening on May 21 after an 18-month closure to install the permanent exhibits, museum attendance hovered around the 1,000 visitors per day mark into mid-November, seeing visitation from all 50 states and numerous international countries. The Meekins Chandlery nearly eclipsed its best year (2011) in retail sales in only six months of operation, and the Salty Dawg lecture series experienced several standing-room only presentations.

The museum is currently nominated for Best New Museum in the USA Today 10 Best Readers’ Choice Awards and has been either first or second since first announced. You can vote once per day per electronic device until December 23 at

For Museum volunteer/docent opportunities and inquiries, please reach out to Molly Trivelpiece, Curator of Education and Volunteer Coordinator, at or phone 252-986-0721.

The post New Executive Committee installed at annual Friends of the Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum meeting appeared first on Island Free Press.

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