MANTEO, N.C. (WAVY) — As winds picked up and temperatures dropped, you could tell it was cold out on Shallowbag Bay in Manteo as snow mixed with freezing rain started falling at 3:15 p.m. Tuesday. 

Up the road, lifting and dumping and loading was the order of the day at the Dare County Maintenance Center. 

The need for more rock salt was clear as a few more tons were brought in and loaded up into spreaders getting ready for a cold winter’s eve.

“What you are seeing, we are loading salt onto a salt truck to be ready to go as soon as the snow falls and starts accumulating,” said North Carolina Department of Transportation spokesperson Tim Haas who added that “we have spent the last day-and-a-half brining (a mix of rock salt and water that helps melt snow and ice) all the bridges and primary roads in the area. Right now, our brining operations are winding down.” 

Workers were wrapping up their preparations, going home for rest and getting ready for what could be a big snow show, 

“These guys have been working all day yesterday, half a day today, and they are going home to rest because they will be back here tonight working through the night, plowing and salting roads,” Haas said. 

The priority is to plow the busiest roads first.

“We will start with primary roads. Your [Route] 12, your [Route] 158, your [Route] 64, your [Route] 264s,” Haas said referring to different roads on the Outer Banks.  

We asked Haas when the last big snowstorm was. 

“The years slip out of my brain, but a few years ago, we had a period of an ice storm and then it never got above 25 for several days that was pretty bad storm for us.”  

But if you remember anything, remember this:

“Stay off the roads tonight stay off roads tomorrow,” Haas said, “and if you have to go out slow down keep lots of space between you and other cars and our work trucks.”

Measurable snowfall is expected in parts of the Outer Banks Tuesday evening into Wednesday morning.

Haas said they’ve been keeping a close eye on the changing forecast.

“At this point, we have to prepare for the worst,” Haas said. “And the worst, according to the National Weather [Service], is somewhere between six and eight inches of snow. Yesterday, they had taken the snow levels down and now they’re back up again, so we just have to be ready for whatever Mother Nature throws at us.”

Dare County Emergency Management is urging everyone to limit unnecessary travel, as hazardous road conditions are expected.

“As soon as the snow starts accumulating, we’ll be out,” Haas said. “Whether it’s 10 p.m. tonight or 2 a.m. tomorrow morning.

A winter storm warning has been issued for the county until 7 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22.

Several school divisions and city services have announced closings and cancellations ahead of the snowfall. Check for the full list here.

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Credit: Original content published here.

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