A U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service employee inspects fumigated logs near the Port of New Orleans in New Orleans in 2013. Photo: Anson Eaglin/USDA

A draft permit modification for a log-fumigation facility in Wilmington is up for public discussion.

The state Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Air Quality is set to host a digital public hearing Tuesday, Aug. 31, on proposed permit changes for the Ecolab Inc. facility at the N.C. Port of Wilmington.

The permit modification incorporates changes to meet the state’s recently enacted methyl bromide regulations. The draft permit, draft permit review, and environmental justice draft report can be found at https://deq.nc.gov/methyl-bromide.

To listen by phone, call 1-415-655-0003 and use access code 161 134 8802. To view online, use WebEx Link https://bit.ly/3eYlkDy and event password NCDAQ. To speak during the public hearing, register by 4 p.m. Aug. 31 at  https://bit.ly/2TBM6Kf or call 919-618-0968.

The Division of Air Quality in 2018 began rulemaking for state regulation of methyl bromide, an odorless, colorless gas that can cause neurological and respiratory effects. As of Nov. 1, 2020, the use of methyl bromide for log fumigation is regulated by a new state emissions rule and an amendment to North Carolina’s state air toxics rule.

Comments can also be submitted by email to DAQ.publiccomments@ncdenr.gov with the subject line “Ecolab, NCSPA” or via voicemail at (919) 707-8714. Comments will be accepted until 5 p.m. Sept. 2.

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Credit: Original content published here.

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