The North Carolina Department of Transportation is set to hold a virtual public hearing Tuesday on a proposed amendment to Green Swamp Preserve to accommodate replacing a bridge on N.C. 211 In Brunswick County, shown in red on this map from NCDOT.

The North Carolina Department of Transportation is asking for feedback on a proposed bridge project in the 16,000-acre Green Swamp Preserve in Brunswick County.

The department plans to replace a structurally deficient bridge over Driving Creek on N.C. 211, or Green Swamp Road and will need to amend the nature preserve dedicated in 1974 by the Nature Conservancy to accommodate the project.

The amendment would provide about a half acre for drainage and temporary construction easement and about another half acre of right-of-way needed to replace the bridge.

A virtual hearing is set for 7 p.m. Tuesday. Attend by by computer, tablet or smartphone at or call -646-749-3122 and use access code 920-091-805. Comments can be submitted by Aug. 20 by calling 984-205-6615, project code 8026, or emailing

Project details, including maps of the proposal, are on the NCDOT project web page.

NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled people who wish to participate in this process. Anyone requiring special services should contact Diane Wilson, Environmental Analysis Unit, at 1598 Mail Service Center in Raleigh; 919-707-6073; or as early as possible.

Those who do not speak English, or have a limited ability to read, speak or understand English, may receive interpretive services upon request before the meeting by calling 800-481-6494.

Public hearing presentation in July on the proposed project.
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Credit: Original content published here.

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