The North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries reminds potential shellfish lease applicants that the shellfish lease application period ends Aug. 2.
The division annually accepts shellfish bottom lease and water column applications from March 1 through Aug. 1 but because Aug. 1 is a Sunday this year, applications will be accepted until 5 p.m. Monday, Aug. 2.
Applications must be either postmarked or dropped off at the Division Headquarters Office, 3441 Arendell St., Morehead City, by the deadline.
Download a lease application at the division’s Shellfish Lease and Franchise Program webpage.
The division listed the following changes to the 2021 Shellfish Lease Application:
- New riparian owner notification policy. Once an application is approved for public hearing, applicants must show an attempt to notify all riparian owners within 250 feet of the proposed shellfish lease by certified mail.
- Shellfish lease site investigations will be conducted from April 1 through Oct. 1.
- Applications that are incomplete, filled incorrectly, or propose ineligible shellfish lease sites will be denied. The application fee is nonrefundable and nontransferable.
- Any shellfish leases granted or renewed after July 1, 2019 will be subject to new commercial shellfish production requirements.
For more information, contact Owen Mulvey-McFerron, shellfish lease and aquaculture program coordinator, at or 252-269-3082.

Credit: Original content published here.