Bees, like this bee pollinating a sunflower, are the theme of BugFest 2021: Plan Bee! Sept. 13-18. Photo: Mark Hibbs

The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences’ annual celebration of insects will “bee” a little different this year. BugFest 2021: Plan Bee! set for next week will be mostly virtual.

There are more than a dozen online programs scheduled for Monday through Thursday, many focusing on bees, this year’s theme. All BugFest 2021 virtual programs are listed online. Programs require registration.

Two in-person activities are planned, both at Prairie Ridge Ecostation, 1671 Gold Star Drive, Raleigh. From 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Sept. 18, There will be a Pollination Celebration. Visitors can see the “Grub Zone” at the Nature PlaySpace, and engage with experts at Caterpillarology, beekeepers, and more.

The Moth Party is set for 8:30-10:30 p.m. Sept. 18. Experts are to be on hand to identify and to answer questions about nocturnal arthropods.

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