(2021) Some property owners in Town may received a  opens in a new windowsafety protocol letter from the US Army Corps of Engineers  regarding the former practice aircraft training area in Southern Shores which existed in the 1940s.The US Army Corps of Engineers is notifying property owners of safety protocols. USACE will provide landowners on a FUDS MRS a notification letter and a site-specific safety guide at least once every five years. View a copy of the safety protocol brochure here-3Rs Safety Guide.. View a copy of the Corps’ sample letter to property owners (Sample Letter).


(2016) Some property owners in Town have recently received a safety protocol letter from the US Army Corps of Engineers regarding the former practice aircraft training area in Southern Shores which existed in the 1940s. According to the Corps of Engineers’ FUDS (Formerly Used Defense Site) Project Manager overseeing this notice, since the former training area is so low on the DOD’s priority for a full investigation and funds are not currently available for a closure investigation, the US Army Corps of Engineers is notifying property owners of safety protocols. Unfortunately, the local government administration was not notified prior to these notices going out, and the Project Manager has expressed regret over that. View a copy of the safety protocol brochure here. View a copy of the Corps’ recently made available 2007 report here.

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Credit: Original content published here.

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