Update April 19 at 9:25 pm: According to Steve Kovacs, Dare County Fire Marshal, the fire at the junkyard, which was confined to debris and scrap metal, resulted in…

Credit: Original content published here.
Update April 19 at 9:25 pm: According to Steve Kovacs, Dare County Fire Marshal, the fire at the junkyard, which was confined to debris and scrap…
Update April 19 at 9:25 pm: According to Steve Kovacs, Dare County Fire Marshal, the fire at the junkyard, which was confined to debris and scrap metal, resulted in…
Credit: Original content published here.
[courtesy NCDOT] Eastern North Carolina will have a chance to hop on board a rewarding new career as the North Carolina Ferry Division teams up…
11/23/2020 – 01:51Ocracokers have always been known to be a fun loving bunch of people.
The red-cockaded woodpecker is currently listed as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act. Photo: File The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is reopening…
Photo of earthquake repairs at the Washington Monument by contractor Lorton Stone of Springfield, Va. Ten years ago today, a magnitude 5.8 earthquake struck in…
Mack Rutherford. [Macksolo/Facebook] The Rutherfords of Belgium are a family of flight. Parents, Sam Rutherford and Beatrice De Smet are pilots, their children, Zara and…
Subscribers to current emergency alerts must re-register Dare County, in partnership with the towns of Duck, Southern Shores, Kitty Hawk, Kill Devil Hills, Nags Head…