North Carolina Department of Transportation officials are calling for extra hands to help with this year’s fall litter sweep.

Scheduled for Sept. 14-28, the biannual event brings together participants to help clear roadside litter.

“Each season, volunteers from all corners of the state come together to clean up our roads, making a tangible difference in the environment and in the lives of their neighbors,” officials said.

Volunteers can request gloves, safety vests, and bags from their area’s NCDOT maintenance offices, which are listed by county on the website.

“Fall is a time of change, and what better way to welcome it than by making our roadsides cleaner and more vibrant,” Roadside Environmental Engineer David Harris said in a statement. “We often talk about the impact of litter, but what’s truly impactful is the dedication of our volunteers. We’re proud of our volunteers who show up every season to make a difference. Their efforts ensure that our state’s beauty is preserved for everyone to enjoy.”

NCDOT maintenance crews dedicate one week to picking up litter and collecting the trash bags filled by volunteers.

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