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Planning Board will meet on September 16, 2024-Cancelled
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New Hanover County commissioners table zoning request
KFJ Development Group seeks to amend New Hanover County’s Unified Development Ordinance to establish a new zoning district to allow for development of high-rise condos…
Oyster roast celebration planned for Aug. 30 with Republican Candidates
A Labor Day weekend oyster roast celebration has been scheduled for Friday, August 30, at Stowe on 12, 56910 Hwy. 12 in Hatteras, and will…
A note of thankfulness
(Publisher’s Note: On Oct. 18, U.S. Park Ranger Valerie Streiff, dove into the waters near Bodie Island Lighthouse to save a father and son who…
Stimulants in Combination With Opiates Cause for Overdose Concern
Discussion about use of illegal drugs usually focuses on one drug or another. However, “the reality is that many people use drugs in combination and…
Most roadway projects in North Carolina halting for holidays
Most state road construction projects will be suspended to help ease highway traffic for the upcoming holidays. Where possible, the N.C. Department of Transportation plans…