Striped mullet. Image: NCDEQ

Scientists will meet for a peer-review workshop Nov. 8-10 with state Division of Marine Fisheries staff to review the draft assessment of the North Carolina striped mullet stock.

The discussions, held by webinar, are set for noon to 5 p.m. Nov. 8, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 9 and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 10.

The public is welcome to listen to the workshop by phone or listen and view presentations in real-time by joining online but comment will not be accepted during the workshop. Directions for attending the webinar are on the division website. The discussion at any point may close to the public to allow the peer reviewers to deliberate and complete a draft version of their peer review report, or for the stock assessment workgroup to address outstanding tasks.

A stock assessment is a scientific analysis that uses information gathered from commercial and recreational fisheries, data from scientific sampling and observations, and fish biology to determine the abundance of a fish population and, when possible, predict future trends of stock abundance, according to the division.

A peer review is an evaluation of scientific work by independent, unbiased experts. A fisheries stock assessment peer review evaluates the validity of data used, the appropriateness of the assessment model used, and the rationale of any assumptions used to determine if the science conducted is adequate for use in fisheries management. Peer review scientists have not been involved in or had input into the development of the stock assessment and have no stake in the outcome.

The Division of Marine Fisheries is opening the workshop to the public for improved communication and public understanding of fisheries stock assessments.

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Credit: Original content published here.

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