The North Carolina coast, while far from the path of totality, was treated to a stellar event Monday, nonetheless. The sequence above shows the moon transiting between the sun and Earth from about 2:16 p.m. at the far left until maximum coverage at about 3:18 p.m., as viewed from the Morehead City area. Photo sequence: Mark Hibbs

The North Carolina coast, while far from the path of totality, was treated to a stellar event Monday, nonetheless. The sequence above shows the moon transiting between the sun and Earth from about 2:16 p.m. at the far left until maximum coverage at about 3:18 p.m., as viewed from the Morehead City area. Photo sequence: Mark Hibbs
The North Carolina coast, while far from the path of totality, was treated to a stellar event Monday, nonetheless. The sequence above shows the moon transiting between the sun and Earth from about 2:16 p.m. at the far left until maximum coverage at about 3:18 p.m., as viewed from the Morehead City area. Photo sequence: Mark Hibbs
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