Sanitation Equipment Operator Job advertisement
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Sanitation Equipment Operator Job advertisement
Add to favoritesCredit: Original content published here.
Government entities and certain organizations may now submit applications for grants to replace their older transit and shuttle buses through the second phase of funding…
Coastal Roots Oyster Company, LLC, David Roughton, agent, has applied for a 1.09-acre shellfish bottom and water column lease in Seaside Areas near Green Channel.…
Other changes coming in Native American aspect of play Kevin Bradley, chairman of the Roanoke Island Historical Association (RIHA), recalls that the organization would receive…
By the Dare Education Foundation The Dare Education Foundation, and its new Executive Director Barbara Davidson, submitted this letter to the editor as a thank-you…
Baked oysters. Photo: NOAA Fisheries, Heather Soulen The National Marine Fisheries Service, which is also known as NOAA Fisheries and works to advance and export…
The number of animals hit by drivers in North Carolina increased in 2019 to the highest levels recorded in more than five years, according to the state Department of Transportation. The department released a report Monday detailing three years’ worth of animal-related crashes across the state. Researchers found that such collisions killed five people and […]
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